Stuff to Read While I’m Gone

Thu, Sep 29, 2011

blogging, fincon11, links, yakezie

As most of you know, I’m in Chicago for the Financial Blogger Conference! In an effort to concentrate on enjoying myself and learning a ton about improving my site, I won’t be writing again until I recover get back.

Never fear, though - I didn’t leave you with nothing to do while I’m gone.

Some of my awesome PF blogger friends weren’t able to attend FINCON11, and they’re probably kind of depressed about it. So I thought it would be cool if you visited them for awhile. Maybe comment on a few posts and subscribe to some of the awesomeness while you’re there!

I’ll tell you a little bit about each site, and I’m trusting you to keep them company until I get home!

My Personal Finance Journey - Jacob posts about investing a lot, which normally scares me away, but he’s able to do it in a way that makes sense. Instead of all these boring details about individual stocks, he talks more about the impact of overall strategies and major economic events on the average person’s finances. Notable post title: Are You Balancing Frugal Living With Fun?

20s Finances - Corey is a blogging noob but I really like his site. Especially after the Twitter smackdown in which I convinced him to JUST SAY NO to partial RSS feeds. Rest easy knowing you can now subscribe without having to click through to read his posts, which are totally worth reading. Notable post title: How I Furnished My Entire Apartment for $600

The College Investor - Robert provides all kinds of advice to students/young adults who want to start their financial futures on the right track. I will admit I usually skip his weekly market thoughts because I don’t understand them (which is my fault, not his), but other than that his site is full of solid advice. Notable post title: 5 Biggest Career Mistakes

Mainstream Mom - Andrea (no relation) has been blogging for awhile, but I only recently discovered her site. It is BEAUTIFULLY designed and her posts are short but packed full of information. (If you read here, you’ll probably be thrilled to see someone who can make a point without writing a novel.) Notable post title: Chicken Pox, Debt, and Calamine Lotion

DollarVersity - Eric is one of my favorite people to banter with on Twitter. He describes his site best: “The articles here are meant to take take common social and financial issues and challenge those norms, getting people to question things and think for themselves.” True story. Notable post title: 4 First Date Tips for Singles on a Budget

Sustainable Personal Finance - Mr. and Mrs. SPF are working to meet their financial goals in socially responsible ways. You’ll find a mix of posts about everything from saving money to reducing your carbon footprint. I’m the first to admit I’m not as environmentally conscious as I should be, but this site inspires me to work on improving that. Notable post title: Cross Border Shopping (they’re from Canada)

Cash Flow Mantra - This is another one of those sites that intimidates me a little, but I still get tons of good info from it when I stop being such a wimp. Here, you’ll find everything from the bare basics of finance to specific posts on saving, spending, and earning money. Notable post title: My Mom Thinks Hedonics are Crap

My Journey to Millions - Evan wants to be a millionaire, and his site shares the information he’s using to become one someday. Unlike me, Evan is actually qualified to talk about financial stuff since he has a degree in Economics. Notable post title: I Feel Guilty Making Unnecessary Purchases (me too!)

18 Responses to “Stuff to Read While I’m Gone”

  1. 20's Finances says:

    Enjoy the conference. Thanks for the smackdown (I guess…).

  2. Jason@LiveRealNow says:

    I won't be able to do any of that.  :(

  3. First Gen American says:

    Have a great time! Never fear. I'm sure the internet will still be here in a few days time.

  4. Jacob @ MPFJ says:

    Thanks so much for the mention! Enjoy the conference! I look forward to hearing about it. 

  5. Robert says:

    Thanks for the mention!  Help me help you understand my weekly market update!

  6. Bucksome says:

    Can't wait to meet you, but I'm sad the others won't be there.

  7. Jackie says:

    Have fun at FINCON!  I'm looking forward to all the posts about it that I'm sure will appear!

  8. Tiffany says:

    Hope you have a great time at the conference in Chi Town.  Thinks for the readings but seeing as this is the first time to your site Im sure I will find a lot to read to keep me busy until you get back.

  9. Buck Inspire says:

    Great round up.  Hope you have a blast in Chi-Town.  You seem to be making an impression over there.  Good job!

  10. Cash Flow Mantra says:

    I am honored that you included my in this list.  I hope you had a good time at the conference.  I am going to read your summaries next.


  1. Para Ma - April 14, 2012

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    [...]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[...]……

  2. Cracked Teeth culver city - April 20, 2012

    Websites you should visit…

    [...]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[...]……

  3. Mauritius Apartments - April 20, 2012


    [...]Sites of interest we have a link to[...]……

  4. Prosolution Pills - April 20, 2012

    Cool sites…

    [...]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[...]……

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