Archive | 2011

2011 Popular Posts

I can’t believe 2011 is over. I’ve already summed up the year from a personal point of view, but here’s a nifty infographic of So Over Debt’s 2011 popular posts, thanks to Shareaholic. Enjoy, and have a safe and fantabulous New Year!

2011 Year in Review

People say time goes by faster as you grow older, and I’m thinking they’re right. Maybe it’s because my life has been so full of chaos in 2011, but it seems wrong to be summing up the year so soon after it began. Oh well, I guess that makes me an old lady. Get off my [...]

Budgets vs. Spending Plans

Lately I’ve noticed a ton of references to spending plans as opposed to budgets to keep track of where money goes. Since the word “budget” apparently has negative connotations, thinking of it as a “spending plan” is supposed to make us feel better about the fact that we’re paying attention to our finances. I won’t [...]

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  • 2012 (102)
  • 2011 (211)
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