Archive | October, 2011

How to Escape the Evil Clutches of Payday Loans

Disclaimer: This post may seem hypocritical to some because I have accepted advertising from payday loan companies in the past. However, there is a huge difference between letting a payday loan company pay me for an ad and actually recommending payday loans to my readers. After all the money these companies made from me over [...]

I Don’t Know What Percentage I Am

I think I’m the only blogger on the planet who hasn’t posted about the Occupy Wall Street movement. Mostly, that’s because (1) I don’t think most of you care about politics and (2) I don’t want to stir up a shitstorm. But I will say I’ve been intrigued by the handwritten stories popping up all [...]

Screw You, Nielsen. And Your Little Scanner, Too.

Back in July, I read a post at The Penny Hoarder about a new program from Nielsen. Instead of letting them spy on my TV viewing habits (which would be funny since I only watch one hour of TV a week), I learned that I could let them spy on my eating habits. All I had [...]

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