Archive | April, 2012

Things I Learned on My Road Trip

Oh, what an interesting weekend I had! I drove down to Ft. Benning, Georgia on Friday to visit my cousin in basic training and got back late last night. I’m completely exhausted - it’s an 8-hour drive and I drove it on Friday AND Sunday, with plenty of running around in-between. So here’s a short [...]

The “Millionaire Money Mindset” - Top 4 Common Traits of Self-Made Millionaires

David Bakke is a small business owner and writer for Money Crashers Personal Finance, a website dedicated to helping people manage their money and build wealth. When I hear the phrase “millionaire money mindset,” it brings to mind a man in an infomercial peddling a product that guarantees that you can become a millionaire just [...]

I’m Over the Postal Service

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with having pen pals. I LOVED writing letters, getting letters in return, and checking the mailbox. (That is, until I turned 11 and discovered the wonder of pre-internet BBSes.) I remember being able to leave a five dollar bill in the mailbox, which the mailman would replace [...]

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