Archive | March, 2012

Unsent Letters: Final Four Edition

Dear Louisville, That is all, because I can’t think about anything else until this game is over. Love, Andrea

Are You Proactive or Reactive?

Earlier this week, Jayden came to me with a look that said, Please don’t hurt me. “Mom? I think my shoes are too small again,” he mumbled. “What?!? Surely not! I just bought them!” “Well, I have to scrunch my toes up to walk, and it hurts.” Please note that my child is famous for waiting [...]

10 Things I Hate About Looking for Jobs

Applying for jobs is no fun, especially given our current economic climate. Why? Because if you’re looking for work, you’re either (1) unemployed, (2) unhappy in your current position, or (3) self-employed and panicking because something happened that dried up your main source of income (not that I would know personally or anything). None of [...]

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