Monthly Archives: May 2011

Spending Roundup for May

Here’s the breakdown of where my money went in May: Fixed ExpensesThese are the easy ones. My car payment, car insurance, AT&T bill, cable/internet, and CC payments fall into this category. I budgeted $750 and spent $750. Groceries/HouseholdBudget was $250. … Continue reading

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Money Doesn’t Make You Smarter

When I was broke, I used to wish fervently for a windfall of cash. I mean, I think we all do that, but I took it to a disturbing level. If only some wealthy, unknown relative would leave me a … Continue reading

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Random Thoughts for Memorial Day Weekend

It’s Saturday and I’m sitting on the back porch with my new BFF the iPad. The heat isn’t blistering yet - it’s only about 88 degrees - and I’m full from a family reunion earlier today. Life is good at … Continue reading

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I Fail at Life

This isn’t necessarily finance-related, but I’m having a small breakdown and really just need to say some things. Today was my son’s last day of seventh grade. I haven’t talked about him much. He was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at … Continue reading

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