Category Archives: spending

Oh, Victoria’s Secret. You Crack Me Up.

Remember last week when I applied for (and got) a Victoria’s Secret credit card? Well, it came in the mail on Tuesday. (And I paid off the balance, in case you’re wondering. Oh, and the bra worked out, too.) When … Continue reading

Posted in credit, debt, random, spending | 18 Comments

Confession: I Got Another Credit Card

So yesterday I went to the mall in hopes of finding some shirts for fall. After five hours of shopping, I drove home $15 poorer after buying only a bracelet and a pair of earrings (because jewelry is one size … Continue reading

Posted in confessions, credit, emotional spending, spending | 22 Comments

Spending Roundup for August

What an interesting month it’s been for my finances! There have been changes in my budget, income, AND spending, making it slightly more complicated to keep track of everything. Here’s the breakdown of where my money went in August: Fixed … Continue reading

Posted in budget, saving, spending | 16 Comments

Random Thoughts Before I (gasp!) Go Shopping

  So I’m going shopping today. Don’t fret - I have a specific purpose and I’m not going to deviate from my plan. When I took Jayden to get school clothes, I got $50 in Super Cash from Old Navy. … Continue reading

Posted in confessions, random, saving, spending | 2 Comments