Category Archives: saving

Reconsider Your Ride to Work

This is a guest post from Jessica Wagner. An easy way to save money and lessen your impact on the environment is to reconsider your ride to work. When you step back and think about it, do you really need … Continue reading

Posted in guest posts, saving, work | 6 Comments

Different Savings Vessels

This is a guest post on behalf of MoneySupermarket. There are several different ways that individuals and family can set aside a little money. There are all types of means for keeping that money, including savings accounts, IRAs, and even … Continue reading

Posted in guest posts, saving | Leave a comment

I’m So Over Coupons

This post was inspired by a Google search for “so over coupons” that led someone to my site. I laughed when I first saw it, then I realized, Hey, I really AM over coupons! So, for the person who searched … Continue reading

Posted in budget, confessions, coupons, rant, saving | 42 Comments

Spending Roundup for August

What an interesting month it’s been for my finances! There have been changes in my budget, income, AND spending, making it slightly more complicated to keep track of everything. Here’s the breakdown of where my money went in August: Fixed … Continue reading

Posted in budget, saving, spending | 16 Comments