Monthly Archives: April 2011

Spending Roundup for April

Here’s the breakdown of where my money went in April: Fixed ExpensesThese are the easy ones. My car payment, car insurance, AT&T bill, cable/internet, and CC payments fall into this category. I budgeted $750 and spent $750. Groceries/HouseholdBudget was $250. … Continue reading

Posted in budget, saving, spending | Leave a comment

Help Me Save Money! (And Win Some of Your Own)

No, I’m not hitting you up for a donation. Although I do accept those if anyone has a couple million lying around! I’ve decided to ramp up my savings a little and I’d like some help from SOD readers to … Continue reading

Posted in goals, saving | 7 Comments

Financial Advice that Annoys Me

There is a ton of financial advice out there for beginners. While I like to think I’m beyond that stage, I never let myself think I’m too smart to benefit from the knowledge of someone else. After all, until a … Continue reading

Posted in budget, debt, goals, income, saving, spending | 12 Comments

Dear 18 Year-Old Me

I got this idea from a post on Live Richly. How crazy fun would it be if I could actually send this letter back through time and warn myself of what’s coming? Honestly, my 18 year-old self would probably think … Continue reading

Posted in credit, debt, intro | 5 Comments