Monthly Archives: June 2011

Spending Roundup for June

Wow. You guys are going to die when you read this one. Spoiler: I fail at life. Here’s the breakdown of where my money went in June: Fixed Expenses These are the easy ones. My car payment, car insurance, AT&T … Continue reading

Posted in budget, lovedrop, random, spending | Leave a comment

Why I Love to Hate Suze Orman

My first experience with Suze Orman was the day I graduated from college. Everyone was handing me cards full of money (which I later wasted on clothes and electronics), but my sister decided to buy me Suze’s book, The Money … Continue reading

Posted in debt, guru, random, saving, spending, Suze Orman | Leave a comment

Random Thoughts for Wednesday

This week is kicking my butt! It seems like everyone in the blogosphere is busy and stressed lately, and I’m no exception. I haven’t been sleeping well at all, work sucks as usual, and there just isn’t enough time in … Continue reading

Posted in career, credit, random | Leave a comment

Don’t Fall for Ripoffs Like This!

Yesterday I got this postcard in the mail: Out of curiosity, I scratched off the square on the back to see how much I was “pre-approved” to borrow. $4800. Like I have the ability to pay back $4800! I checked … Continue reading

Posted in debt, rant, review, spending | Leave a comment