Blogs I Love

One of the occupational hazards of blogging is the constant need to read what others are posting. I would be embarrassed to admit how much time I spend reading other personal finance blogs, either through my reader or on the sites directly. Want to check out some people who are way more interesting than me? Try some of these blogs!

WARNING: This list is ridiculously huge. You’re probably better off looking at the rotating list in my sidebar, which changes depending on how many posts you read (pro tip - reading lots of posts will enable you to find MORE awesome blogs).

Did I miss your blog when I made this list? If so, please email me or comment below so I can add you to the longest list in the universe!


  • Anonymous

    I appreciate my inclusion in the list. But holy crap, I think it would have been easier to list the blogs you don’t like.

  • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    Very true! I’m on the lookout for a way to rotate ten or so.

  • Onecentatatime

    I am not listed

  • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    Fixing that right now! Thanks for pointing it out!

  • Anonymous

    If my name is on this list next time I visit, I won’t be mad…

  • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    Good call! Give me like 30 seconds.

  • Anonymous

    No need to rush. I wasn’t planning on revisiting for another year :)

  • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    Well damn. I just wasted like a whole ounce of effort.

  • slug

    Would love to be listed but would prefer to be loved.

  • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    Got you listed, now subscribed in hopes that love is possible. :)

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