Category Archives: rant

I’m So Over Coupons

This post was inspired by a Google search for “so over coupons” that led someone to my site. I laughed when I first saw it, then I realized, Hey, I really AM over coupons! So, for the person who searched … Continue reading

Posted in budget, confessions, coupons, rant, saving | 42 Comments

Unsent Letters: I Need Maternity Pants Edition

  Before you ask, no, I’m not pregnant . I’m just fat and I have the world’s worst time trying to find jeans that fit. While you guys are reading this post, I’ll be making YET ANOTHER trip to the … Continue reading

Posted in confessions, random, rant | 5 Comments

Poverty is NOT a Disease

Warning: This post is super duper long. If you have plans for today, you might want to bookmark for later. A few days ago, I read a post over at Gen Y Wealth that really got me fired up. While … Continue reading

Posted in income, poverty, rant | 20 Comments

Unsent Letters: Bitchy and Back from the Dead Edition

Okay, so I wasn’t exactly dead, but I definitely felt like it for the past few days. What started out as allergies and exhaustion quickly morphed into a summer cold. I’ve been too sickly to do much of anything besides … Continue reading

Posted in confessions, random, rant | 21 Comments