Category Archives: random

Why PF Bloggers Should Never Date Each Other

This post stems from a hilarious Twitter conversation between myself, @FrugalBeautiful, @Budgetable, @geekymath, @blondeonabudget, and @krystalatwork. If you aren’t following all these awesome people, you are missing out on some entertainment! (And some personal finance info every now and then … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, fincon11, random, yakezie | 50 Comments

Not Quite a Rock Star

In case you missed it, yesterday was kind of a big day for me. One of my posts was featured on The Consumerist, which is one of my FAVE websites. And my traffic exploded - I’m talking over 3000 pageviews … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, confessions, random | 21 Comments

Oh, Victoria’s Secret. You Crack Me Up.

Remember last week when I applied for (and got) a Victoria’s Secret credit card? Well, it came in the mail on Tuesday. (And I paid off the balance, in case you’re wondering. Oh, and the bra worked out, too.) When … Continue reading

Posted in credit, debt, random, spending | 18 Comments

Fun with Google!

Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with Google. I just heart them (it?) so very much for all of my online needs. If you follow me on Twitter (and if you don’t, you should!), you’ve probably read the tweets … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, fun with google, random | 14 Comments