Category Archives: yakezie

Why PF Bloggers Should Never Date Each Other

This post stems from a hilarious Twitter conversation between myself, @FrugalBeautiful, @Budgetable, @geekymath, @blondeonabudget, and @krystalatwork. If you aren’t following all these awesome people, you are missing out on some entertainment! (And some personal finance info every now and then … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, fincon11, random, yakezie | 50 Comments

Never Forget…. To Check Out These Links

  So I know today is the tenth anniversary of 9/11 and I should post something inspirational and moving about how my life was affected. But I’m pretty sure all of us have spent enough time talking about it in … Continue reading

Posted in links, random, yakezie | 11 Comments

Roundup: Cool Personal Finance Posts

You guys know how much I love reading personal finance blogs. Well, while I’m glad you’re here hanging out with me, sometimes I think you should explore some of the amazing stuff my blogging friends have to offer. Here are … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, links, yakezie | 13 Comments

Yakezie Update - Check out my Member Post!

Way back in March, I posted about joining the Yakezie Challenge. The Yakezie Network is a group of personal finance bloggers who promote and support each other to help all of our blogs become successful. The Challenge involves a commitment … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, yakezie | 11 Comments