Roundup: Cool Personal Finance Posts

Yeah, I don't really know. It's turquoise.

You guys know how much I love reading personal finance blogs. Well, while I’m glad you’re here hanging out with me, sometimes I think you should explore some of the amazing stuff my blogging friends have to offer. Here are some awesome posts I enjoyed this week - go check them out!

Yakezie Summer Team

Ashley at Money Talks tells us not to invest where the monkeys pee, which sounds kind of hilarious and gross but is now a saying I plan to work into everyday conversations

Robert at The College Investor teaches us what a “sweep account” is and how to use it. I’m always kind of in awe of Robert’s posts because he knows so much more about investing than I could ever hope to learn.

Miss T at Prairie EcoThrifter shares some tips on how to save money on car insurance in ways that don’t involve a tiny green lizard. Progressive just raised my rate AGAIN for no reason, so I need to take these tips to heart.

Andrea at Nickel by Nickel is doing some major renovations at her house, and she was kind enough to share some pictures. I can’t WAIT to see how amazing her house will look once it’s finished!

Fat Guy at Fat Guy Skinny Wallet just celebrated 5 years of marriage! He sums up some of the changes in his life and marriage over the past year, including tons of progress toward his goal of losing 100 pounds!

Penny at The Saved Quarter is giving away a $100 Visa gift card with some help from Dreyer’s! You’ve got until August 31 to enter, so scoot on over and win some free money!

My Blogging Homegirls

Niki at Debt Free by Thirty takes some time to reflect after paying off ALL her consumer debt. Jealous? I know I am! I can’t wait to be out of debt someday.

Annabelle at The Year of Shopping Detox is saving money in some pretty amazing ways - without even trying! Using that logic, I am also saving a ton of money, probably more than I even make in a year!

Jana at Daily Money Shot tells us some of the costs associated with going Greek. I wasn’t in a sorority in college, but my sister was, and I remember all too well how much it cost my parents!

Red at Girl With the Red Balloon is back and better than ever! After a break from blogging, Red has returned to read all my old posts and make me feel totally self conscious! Oh, and she’s posting again too. :)

Daisy at When Life Gives You Lemons celebrated her first blogiversary! Add me to the list of people who are totally pumped that she decided to stick with it.

Deena at Deena Dollars has some ambitious goals for this fall, which reminds me that I haven’t set any lately. Hard to plan when I don’t know what my paychecks are doing, but I think that might be an excuse. Hmm.

TeacHer at TeacHer Finance also posted some goals for August, including rebuilding her Freedom Fund. Okay, I’m starting to get the hint. I guess I need some goals soon. I’ll make goal creation a goal!

Jessica at The Debt Princess was accepted to grad school (hooray!) and is making plans for a big move, more time with her kids, and staying sane during a time that is full of both excitement and stress.

Um, okay, what are you still doing here? I gave you all kinds of awesome posts to read - now go check them out!

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  • Ashley @ Money Talks

    Thanks for the mention!!

  • Andrea

    thanks for the linklove :)

  • Andrea

    oh my look at your alexa ranking, wow! great work =)

  • Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    Thanks! I’m getting kind of excited about it. It’s been dropping by nearly 1k every day.

  • Robert @ My Multiple Incomes

    Thanks for the love! You’ll learn about investing over time, so don’t worry!

  • Roundup: Cool Personal Finance Posts | So Over Debt | | The Money BooksThe Money Books

    [...] the original here: Roundup: Cool Personal Finance Posts | So Over Debt This entry was posted in Finance, Uncategorized and tagged amazing, finance, glad-you, [...]

  • Niki

    Thank you homegirl!

    You’re gonna be under 100K in no time.

  • Jana

    Thanks for the mention!!!

  • Anonymous

    Thanks so much for including my anniversary article on Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet!

  • Anonymous

    Woot woot! Thanks for the link <3. I'm sitting here, saving $100s by not buying anything online. It's so easy!

  • Miss T

    Thanks a ton for the mention. Little green lizard…lol. Love it!!

  • Anonymous

    Thank you so much for including me in this roundup! The sane part may be hard to come by, but it will make for GREAT Blog posts.

  • Red

    Thanks for the link! Just wait… Pretty soon I’ll be quoting your blog posts on Twitter like I used to quote funny lines from the TV show Bones. :-p