Category Archives: links

Stuff to Read While I’m Gone

As most of you know, I’m in Chicago for the Financial Blogger Conference! In an effort to concentrate on enjoying myself and learning a ton about improving my site, I won’t be writing again until I recover get back. Never fear, … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, fincon11, links, yakezie | 12 Comments

Never Forget…. To Check Out These Links

  So I know today is the tenth anniversary of 9/11 and I should post something inspirational and moving about how my life was affected. But I’m pretty sure all of us have spent enough time talking about it in … Continue reading

Posted in links, random, yakezie | 11 Comments

Roundup: Cool Personal Finance Posts

You guys know how much I love reading personal finance blogs. Well, while I’m glad you’re here hanging out with me, sometimes I think you should explore some of the amazing stuff my blogging friends have to offer. Here are … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, links, yakezie | 13 Comments

August LoveDrop: Can You Spare Five Bucks?

Every month, I post about my involvement with LoveDrop, a group dedicated to helping people in need. While some of you may skim over these posts, I hope you’ll take the time to read this one. This month, we are … Continue reading

Posted in links, lovedrop | 1 Comment