Yakezie Update - Check out my Member Post!

Proud Member of the Yakezie Challenge

Way back in March, I posted about joining the Yakezie Challenge. The Yakezie Network is a group of personal finance bloggers who promote and support each other to help all of our blogs become successful. The Challenge involves a commitment to blogging at least twice a week for six months in hopes of achieving an Alexa ranking (one of many systems used to rate websites) of less than 200,000. Challengers must also commit to participate in the Yakezie community and promote other members and challengers.

When I started the Challenge, no one had ever heard of my blog. My Alexa ranking was over 10 million. (For reference, Google is ranked #1 and Twitter is #9.) That ranking showed that, basically, if the internet consisted only of So Over Debt and pictures of fingernail clippings, people would have chosen fingernail clippings.

Today, I’m proud to say that my Alexa ranking has dropped to 124,292. For a six-month old blog, that’s super impressive! And it’s all because other Yakezies have been kind enough to link to my site, retweet my tweets, allow me to guest post, and tolerate my rambling on the Yakezie forums. It’s also because people like you have visited my site, commented on posts, and subscribed to my RSS feed.

Getting to my Point

This morning, my official Member Post was posted on the Yakezie blog. This is one of the final requirements to go from Challenger to Member. While my six months isn’t quite up yet, this post shows that So Over Debt will be accepted into Yakezie’s Gamma Class. This is a huge honor and something I’m very proud to announce. I’m also freaking out a little - there’s a lot of pressure to write a decent post, and of course every time I look at it I find something I could have changed. Not thinking about that, though; I’m just happy to be part of such an amazing blogging community and see the progress I’ve made since I joined in March.

So celebrate with me! Enter my $25 giveaway if you haven’t already, check out my Yakezie Member Post, and hang around for another giveaway coming in a few weeks! There’s a lot happening here at So Over Debt and I hope you’ll be part of it.

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  • http://twitter.com/hithatsmybike Bridget Gibson

    sweeeeet. I never knew what yakezie was before, but I just signed up. Looks like a great resource for the PF blog community!! Congrats on growing your blog =) it’s awesome!

  • http://debtfreebythirty.net Niki

    Congrats on your member post. I am a little nervous for when I do mine.

  • Alltid Blakk

    Congratulation :) [insert something cleaver, witty and encouraging] + way to go Andrea, you do a great job!

  • http://beantownhappyhomeowner.blogspot.com/ Happy Homeowner

    Congratulations!!!! I joined a few weeks ago, and I can’t wait to get to this point. I’ll be sure to check out what you’re written. Happy blogging!

  • Anonymous

    Congratulations! You are one of the bloggers I consider a mentor in terms of hopefully following in your footsteps and learning along the way. And your member post is fantastic.

  • http://www.mymultipleincomes.com Robert @ My Multiple Incomes

    Welcome to the network!

  • http://homeinsurancecomparison.com.au/ Crystal @ Home Ins Comparison

    Congratulations! It’s awesome to see so many successful Yakezie members!

  • http://www.worldoffinance.biz World of Finance

    Congrats on your membership :)

  • http://www.smartfamilyfinance.com/2011/08/how-to-determine-if-you-can-afford-a-college/ How to Determine If You Can Afford a College | Smart Family Finance

    [...] So Over Debt now officially part of Yakezie? Perhaps I may take up the challenge? [...]

  • http://twitter.com/nickelbynickel Andrea

    Wow, congrats! Your blog has grown so fast, it’s great to follow your progress

  • http://www.smartfamilyfinance.com/2011/08/the-power-of-the-yakezie-challenge/ The Power of the Yakezie Challenge | Smart Family Finance

    [...] of young blogs that have been able to break the 200,000 ranking in their first year writing. Andrea at So Over Debt has both an excellent blog and Alexa ranking to prove it. Even though she started blogging last [...]