Monthly Archives: March 2011

Spending Roundup for March

 Here’s the breakdown of where my money went in March: Fixed ExpensesThese are the easy ones. My car payment, car insurance, AT&T bill, cable/internet, and CC payments fall into this category. I budgeted $750 and spent $750. Groceries/HouseholdBudget was $250. … Continue reading

Posted in budget, spending | 6 Comments

My Bank is Awesome

If you’re new to SOD, I’ll fill you in on a little secret: I’m slightly obsessed with my bank. I won’t repeat my previous post about my love for PNC Virtual Wallet. To summarize in case you missed it, VW … Continue reading

Posted in banking | 3 Comments

Complicating the System to Keep it Simple

I just made a major change to my financial plan that should, after the initial confusion, make managing my finances a lot easier. I start my part time job in April. Because I won’t have a set salary, my extra … Continue reading

Posted in banking | 3 Comments

My Credit Sucks

There is one drawback to reading a lot of personal finance sites. Everywhere I look online, I see stuff like this: And it really makes me angry. I’ve talked briefly before about filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It’s one of the … Continue reading

Posted in credit, debt | 8 Comments