Monthly Archives: August 2011

Spending Roundup for August

What an interesting month it’s been for my finances! There have been changes in my budget, income, AND spending, making it slightly more complicated to keep track of everything. Here’s the breakdown of where my money went in August: Fixed … Continue reading

Posted in budget, saving, spending | 16 Comments

How My Mate Turned His Finances Around with a Credit Card

This is a guest post from Mike Brains. We’ve all got one of them. A mate whose finances are an apt indicator of their chaotic life. Debt reminders, overdue bills, and warnings from bailiffs regularly litter their doormat. They’re always … Continue reading

Posted in credit, debt, guest posts | 3 Comments

Poverty is NOT a Disease

Warning: This post is super duper long. If you have plans for today, you might want to bookmark for later. A few days ago, I read a post over at Gen Y Wealth that really got me fired up. While … Continue reading

Posted in income, poverty, rant | 20 Comments

Sunday Money Shuffle!

Jana at Daily Money Shot invented a game that I absolutely love - Money Shuffle. Here’s what she says about how to play: The rules are simple. I set my iPod on shuffle and wrote down the first 5 songs … Continue reading

Posted in meme, random | 7 Comments