Category Archives: credit

Oh, Victoria’s Secret. You Crack Me Up.

Remember last week when I applied for (and got) a Victoria’s Secret credit card? Well, it came in the mail on Tuesday. (And I paid off the balance, in case you’re wondering. Oh, and the bra worked out, too.) When … Continue reading

Posted in credit, debt, random, spending | 18 Comments

5 Fairy Tales That Keep You in Debt

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, you’ve probably spent some time asking yourself, “How the heck did I get into this mess?” In fact, you might be reading this because you googled a variation of that question. For a species … Continue reading

Posted in budget, credit, debt, goals | 34 Comments

Confession: I Got Another Credit Card

So yesterday I went to the mall in hopes of finding some shirts for fall. After five hours of shopping, I drove home $15 poorer after buying only a bracelet and a pair of earrings (because jewelry is one size … Continue reading

Posted in confessions, credit, emotional spending, spending | 22 Comments

How My Mate Turned His Finances Around with a Credit Card

This is a guest post from Mike Brains. We’ve all got one of them. A mate whose finances are an apt indicator of their chaotic life. Debt reminders, overdue bills, and warnings from bailiffs regularly litter their doormat. They’re always … Continue reading

Posted in credit, debt, guest posts | 3 Comments