Category Archives: goals

Are You Too Comfortable with Your Debt?

  Other than an aunt and uncle who recently paid off their mortgage, I don’t know anyone in real life who is completely debt free. Literally every person I can think of (I went through my Facebook friends list) has … Continue reading

Posted in debt, goals | 17 Comments

5 Fairy Tales That Keep You in Debt

If you’re struggling to pay off debt, you’ve probably spent some time asking yourself, “How the heck did I get into this mess?” In fact, you might be reading this because you googled a variation of that question. For a species … Continue reading

Posted in budget, credit, debt, goals | 34 Comments

Saving on the Single Mom Budget

This post is the third in a four-part series on budgeting for single moms (and dads!). Our needs are different from those of the general population, so I think we need budgeting advice that reflects those differences. If you missed … Continue reading

Posted in budget, goals, saving, single mom budget | 5 Comments

Confession: I Hate Cleaning

  I spent almost the entire weekend cleaning my house. Like major cleaning. This was the first time since probably December that I’ve scrubbed baseboards, cleaned out closets, and actually made my house look the way it’s supposed to. I … Continue reading

Posted in confessions, debt, decluttering, goals, rant | 12 Comments