Category Archives: intro

Dear 18 Year-Old Me

I got this idea from a post on Live Richly. How crazy fun would it be if I could actually send this letter back through time and warn myself of what’s coming? Honestly, my 18 year-old self would probably think … Continue reading

Posted in credit, debt, intro | 5 Comments

Personality Type vs. Financial Behavior

I first learned about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator when I was a graduate student. The MBTI is a series of questions that assigns you a four-letter personality type. There are tons of websites dedicated to explaining the various traits of … Continue reading

Posted in intro, random, yakezie | 3 Comments

My Financial Beginnings, Part Two

If you missed Part One, you might want to start there to get the full picture of where I’m coming from. After a short detour, I’m back to finish the story of how I got into so much debt. When … Continue reading

Posted in debt, intro | 7 Comments

How Things Changed

I’ve shared some of my financial background, so I thought this would be a good time to talk about how and why I decided to go from rabid spending to writing a blog about getting out of debt. My divorce … Continue reading

Posted in debt, intro | 3 Comments