Category Archives: work

Reconsider Your Ride to Work

This is a guest post from Jessica Wagner. An easy way to save money and lessen your impact on the environment is to reconsider your ride to work. When you step back and think about it, do you really need … Continue reading

Posted in guest posts, saving, work | 6 Comments

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  Wow, so I just woke up and checked my bank account, as I do every other Saturday, to see the amount of my direct deposit. I was especially interested to see this one because it’s the first from my … Continue reading

Posted in career, income, work | 12 Comments

Is Money Eroding My Conscience?

The past few months have been full of posts about work. Back in June, I decided I was over my old job. Then I had an epiphany that led to my current job (which I actually like). Some of you … Continue reading

Posted in career, confessions, income, work | 19 Comments

Update: I Think I Like My Job

I’m almost scared to say anything this early, but I’m pretty sure I am going to love my new job. I went to the high school last Tuesday and met all the staff - they are (shockingly) thrilled to have … Continue reading

Posted in career, income, random, work | 19 Comments