Archive | saving

Energy Management for Your Business

The following is a guest post. Energy costs have been a hot topic in recent times, within politics, current affairs and the world of business. This comes as no surprise in a global economy that is fighting for the remainder of the fossil fuels. Of course there are renewable energy sources, more and more of [...]

5 Reasons to Consider Becoming a Hermit

  The other day my son came running into my office and stopped short. “Um, Mom?” he asked. “I don’t mean this in a bad way, but when was the last time you actually got dressed?” I don’t know what’s worse - that he asked, or that I had to think about it. In my [...]

Saving Money to Fund Your Renovations

The following is a guest post. Renovating your home may be another luxury that has taken a back seat in harsh economic times, but just like a new wardrobe, the interior design trends can be fast moving and no one wants to be left behind. The sight of a newly refurbished house can really lift [...]

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