Archive | saving

FYI, Payday Loans Still Suck

  Earlier this week I received a letter from a company called Plain Green. Oh, yippy skippy, I thought. Another payday loan place trying to rip me off. As I looked at the materials they sent, I realized that this particular offer was an even bigger scam than most of the others I’ve received. I want to warn [...]

Google Chrome Budgeting Extensions

The following is a guest post. Google Chrome is an innovative web browser that allows users to personalize their web experience by installing web apps, themes, and extensions. There are a variety of ways to customize your browser and make it truly yours. It’s simple to change your settings and add apps and extensions from [...]

How Personal Finance is Like a Fish Tank

This is a guest post from my friend Lance at Money Life & More. He is a mid-twenties financial professional who writes about personal finance and life in general. Check out this fantastic post, then go visit his site! After reading Andrea’s post about how being a T-Rex would help her finances, I realized that personal finance [...]

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July 2012 Income





My Broken Coin


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I pledge to be debt free!



  • 2012 (134)
  • 2011 (211)
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