Archive | November, 2011

Random Thoughts for Wednesday - My Crazy Life Edition

I’ll just tell you guys like it is - I am stressed to the max. Last night I sat in front of the computer for three hours and couldn’t will my brain to come up with a coherent post. I’ve never had writer’s block in my life, and it really disturbs me that my personal [...]

Creative Ways to Save Money at Home

The following is a guest post from MoneySupermarket. Winter is beginning to set in as people look for better ways to save money around the house. It’s not made any easier by the fact that gas and electricity prices are on the rise pretty much all the time. Still, there are ways you can save cash [...]

How Do You React in a Crisis?

In November 2008, I had my first and only (knock on wood) car accident. I had just picked Jayden up from my parents’ house after work on a rainy Thursday. On the way home, a deer ran out in front of me. I hit it at 40mph, skidded into a ditch, and my car rolled [...]

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