More Stuff to Read While I’m Gone

Sat, Oct 1, 2011


As most of you know, I’m in Chicago for the Financial Blogger Conference! In an effort to concentrate on enjoying myself and learning a ton about improving my site, I won’t be writing again until I recover get back.

Never fear, though - I didn’t leave you with nothing to do while I’m gone.

Some of my awesome PF blogger friends weren’t able to attend FINCON11, and they’re probably kind of depressed about it. So I thought it would be cool if you visited them for awhile. Maybe comment on a few posts and subscribe to some of the awesomeness while you’re there!

I’ll tell you a little bit about each site, and I’m trusting you to keep them company until I get home!

One Cent at a Time - SB has an amazing story. After growing up in India, he brought his frugal (and smart!) financial habits to the US, where he and his wife are living debt-free. He has a unique perspective and excellent advice on making good choices. Notable post title: Spending Money on Self-Improvement

Frugal Zeitgeist - Forest writes about a little bit of everything. I’m resisting the urge to say, “You never know what you’re gonna get,” but that’s pretty much the truth! Unlike me, Forest is able to make a point in fewer than 1000 words, and his posts are a great mix of personal finance and current events. Notable post title: Benefits of Power Naps

Money Beagle - Unlike me, Money Beagle has had a pretty smooth financial journey so far. He and his wife are working toward financial independence and give us tips on everything from refinancing a mortgage to saving on yogurt cups (damn 10-cent price increase!). Notable post title: Something No Hostess Should Ever Say

Money Mamba - JT is one of my favorite bloggers ever, mostly because he doesn’t get bent out of shape when I harass him on Twitter. He admits that his site design kind of sucks, but his posts are full of win. For a young whippersnapper born in the 90s, he knows a LOT about finance. Notable post title: Why CEO Pay Grows Faster than Worker Pay

Prairie EcoThrifter - Miss T is living the good life - saving money, being healthy, and monitoring her impact on the environment. Her site offers information on frugality, sustainable living, exercise, investing…. There’s something for everyone. I always learn something new from her posts. Notable post title: 10 Ways to Avoid Bears While Camping

Compounding Returns - Pat knows a lot about the military AND a lot about investing. Normally I’d be bored by these, but his posts are structured in such a way that anyone can benefit from the information. His writing style is also easy for me to read without feeling overwhelmed. Notable post title: The 15-Year Millionaire Plan (this is actually a whole series and it’s awesome!)

Financial Success for Young Adults - LaTisha is on a mission to teach 20-somethings how to manage money. I really wish this site had been around when I was in college - maybe I could have avoided some of my financial disasters. She uses just the right mix of finance and pop culture in her posts. Notable post title: Who Are the Most Frugal Celebrities?

Life and My Finances - Derek and his wife paid off $14k in debt, and now he shares his tips for becoming debt-free while enjoying life. They’re renovating their house right now, so I love keeping up with his updates and seeing the progress they’ve made - WITHOUT taking on extra debt. Notable post title: Is Cash Still King? I’m Starting to Have My Doubts

Smart Family Finance - Shaun is one of my favorite bloggers, and not just because he links to my posts a lot. :) His blog is full of HIGHLY original stuff - this is not the same tired “5 tips for saving on car insurance” you’ll find at a lot of blogs. He also has a writing style that reminds me of my own - he talks to YOU - specific you, not generic you. Notable post title: Frugal Tips That Don’t Save You Money

Every time you read one of these posts, a unicorn is born:

  1. Stuff to Read While I’m Gone

9 Responses to “More Stuff to Read While I’m Gone”

  1. 20's Finances says:

    Another great set of blogs. Hope you enjoy the conference. Tell 'Mr. Right' hello. :)

  2. Pat S says:

    Thanks for the mention!


  1. Para Ma - April 15, 2012

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  2. List Building Tools - April 20, 2012

    Blogs ou should be reading…

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  3. pozycjonowanie Kraków - April 20, 2012

    Recent Blogroll Additions……

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  4. time and gems - April 20, 2012


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  5. Smokeless Cigarettes - April 20, 2012

    Visitor recommendations…

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  6. Mauritius Self Catering Villas - April 20, 2012

    Check this out…

    [...] that is the end of this article. Here you’ll find some sites that we think you’ll appreciate, just click the links over[...]……

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