Category Archives: yakezie


If I Had a Million Dollars

This post is part of a Yakezie post meme created by Sandy @ Yes I Am Cheap. Participants are supposed to imagine that we’ve inherited or won $1 million and discuss what we would do with the money. Check back … Continue reading

Posted in budget, debt, income, random, saving, spending, yakezie | 9 Comments

Weekend Post Roundup

My site might have fallen apart and required rebuilding from scratch, but that’s no reason to forget the link love this week! This week was very exciting because So Over Debt finally reached an Alexa ranking under 200,000. What does … Continue reading

Posted in links, yakezie | 7 Comments
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Independence Day Link Catch-up

Happy 4th of July! This is one of my favorite holidays - cookouts, fireworks, sales at all the department stores… Oh wait, I forgot I don’t shop anymore. Cookouts and fireworks are enough for me these days! We are traveling … Continue reading

Posted in links, random, yakezie | Leave a comment
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Guest Post: Financial Do-Over

This is a guest post from Marissa at Thirty-Six Months for the 10th Yakezie Blog Swap. This week’s topic is, “If you had one financial do-over, what would it be and why?” Be sure to check out my guest post … Continue reading

Posted in guest post, yakezie | Leave a comment