Read More of My Work

Guest posting on other sites is one of my favorite parts of blogging! I decided to compile a list of my posts on other blogs in case any of you are interested in reading them. None of this material has been posted here on So Over Debt, so it’s all new and (hopefully) interesting!

Looking for someone to write for your site or blog? I LOVE freelance opportunities! Email me and let’s talk!

This list will be updated periodically, so check back for more nuggets of wisdom (or stupidity, depending on the post) from yours truly!

Five Unnecessary Bankruptcy Fears posted at DebtEye

The Ins and Outs of Debt posted at Debt Payer (for some reason he retitled it “Getting Out of Debt, One Day at a Time” but I like my original title better)

My Financial Do-Over posted at Thirty Six Months

Trying to Pray for Money: Why Isn’t God Answering? posted at KNS Financial

What a Lamp Taught Me About Personal Finance posted at Daily Money Shot

It’s Not Where You Start, It’s Where You End Up posted at Yakezie

My Experience Getting a Logo from 99designs posted at Don’t Do It Yourself


Staff Posts for Broke Professionals

How to Cope When You Hate Your Job

Cut Your Lunch Spending Without Brown Bagging It

Increase Productivity with a Functional Home Office

Private Student Loans: What Lenders Won’t Tell You


Staff Posts for Money Mastered

The End of an Era? Apple CEO Steve Jobs Steps Down

Netflix Price Increase: What to Expect

5 Reasons to Sign a Prenup Before You Tie the Knot

Kids and Money: How to Invest for Your Child’s Future

Kids and Money: How to Teach Budgeting

Kids and Money: Does Your Child Need a Debit Card?


Staff Posts for Car Negotiation Coach

Coming soon!

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