Archive | guest post

How Personal Finance is Like a Fish Tank

This is a guest post from my friend Lance at Money Life & More. He is a mid-twenties financial professional who writes about personal finance and life in general. Check out this fantastic post, then go visit his site! After reading Andrea’s post about how being a T-Rex would help her finances, I realized that personal finance [...]

The “Millionaire Money Mindset” - Top 4 Common Traits of Self-Made Millionaires

David Bakke is a small business owner and writer for Money Crashers Personal Finance, a website dedicated to helping people manage their money and build wealth. When I hear the phrase “millionaire money mindset,” it brings to mind a man in an infomercial peddling a product that guarantees that you can become a millionaire just [...]

Do You Make a Lot of Money? Or Do You Just Think You Do?

This week I’m featuring guest posts from some of my best blogging friends while I take a small blogcation. Don’t run away - these are awesome posts from talented bloggers! Today’s post is from Bridget at Money After Graduation. She has recently adjusted her spending habits to live with a little, but is still seeking [...]

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