Author Archives: Andrea

I’m So Over Coupons

This post was inspired by a Google search for “so over coupons” that led someone to my site. I laughed when I first saw it, then I realized, Hey, I really AM over coupons! So, for the person who searched … Continue reading

Posted in budget, confessions, coupons, rant, saving | 26 Comments

Trying to contact a blogger….

If you’re the owner of - Please email me! I’d like to check out your site since you’ve linked to me, but it’s set to private and I have no way to find out who you are! I appreciate … Continue reading

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Compare Debt Relief Options With an Online Comparison

This guest post was written by Eliza Collins, who is a personal finance writer specializing in saving strategies, alternative income and debt relief options. You can read more of her articles at the debt settlement blog. One the hardest parts … Continue reading

Posted in debt, guest posts | 1 Comment

Don’t Feel Like Following the Rules Today!

Right after I moved into my house, I had the brilliant idea of locking my dogs in the basement while I went to work. There is a dog door in the basement that allows them to go into their fenced … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, confessions, random | 32 Comments