Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Help Me Save Money! (And Win Some of Your Own)

No, I'm not hitting you up for a donation. Although I do accept those if anyone has a couple million lying around!

I've decided to ramp up my savings a little and I'd like some help from SOD readers to do so. All I need from you is one (or all) of these things:
  • "Like" So Over Debt on Facebook
  • Follow me on Twitter (@sooverdebt)
  • Subscribe to my RSS feed
  • Link to So Over Debt from your blog
Starting today, every time I gain a FB like, a follower, a subscriber or a link, I'll put $1 in savings. I'll start a new progress bar specifically for what I'll call my Friend Fund.

What's in it for you? I'm so glad you asked! When I reach $1000 in savings, I'll hold a drawing for $100. After that, I'll hold a $50 drawing when I hit $1500, another $100 drawing at $2000, $50 at $2500, etc. I will also poll readers to help me decide what I'll do with the money I've saved - put it toward debt, keep it in savings, or put it in my Roth IRA.

I'm putting my motivation to save money in your hands - looking forward to that first $100 drawing!


Alltid Blakk said...

Good luck :) Linked to your page and I'm a regular reader anyway, now on RSS too. Keep it up!

Andrea said...

Thanks! I'm up to $30 right now. It's exciting!

Jenny @ exconsumer said...

Good luck Andrea! I've subscribed to your RSS, followed you on Twitter and Liked you on FB. ;)

Rhitter94 said...

What a great idea!!!

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