Love Drop for July: Felicity

Tue, Jul 5, 2011


You may be wondering, What the heck is Love Drop, and why does Andrea post about it every month? Love Drop is an amazing community of people who just plain want to help those in need. I feel privileged to make a (teeny) contribution toward Love Drop’s efforts each month, and I would strongly encourage you to consider doing so as well.

I’m sending $5 a month to help meet needs like the one described below. Five bucks - you know you can afford it! The combination of a lot of people doing just a little is what has made Love Drop so successful. We don’t gain anything from this except knowing we are helping someone who truly needs a hand. I urge you to read the information below and check out the Love Drop site to explore ways you can give to others.

The Love Drop team is at it again! Last month they gave over $5,000 worth of cash and goods to their recipient, the Aubin family, who was struggling financially after the passing of their dad, and this month they’re ready to do it again and help out another person :) They’ve given out over $45,000 in the past 6 months, and show no signs of stopping.  If you know of anyone yourself that could use their help, make sure to let them know.

This month they’re heading down to Atlanta to help Felicity, a little 4-year-old girl who was just diagnosed with brain cancer. Felicity had immediate surgery and is currently undergoing aggressive radiation treatments for the remaining portion of her tumor. We want to raise $5,000 for her family to help cover mounting medical costs, as well as the future expenses a new baby on its way will bring. With your support and generosity, we can really do something special for them!
Here are three ways you can help:
  1. Give $25 towards medical bills <- Click this link to contribute $25 towards Felicity’s radiation treatments. It’ll help them out a ton!
  2. Give a gift or service- Gift cards are always helpful. Places like Target, Wal-mart, restaurants, etc would definitely help them out. Services too - especially those you can offer yourselves, or from your company.
  3. Join our blogger network - Blog about our Love Drops each month like I am :) It’s easy, it’s rewarding, and it REALLY helps spread the word (which in turn helps our families). Love Drop will give you all the content you need.
Thanks so much guys!  Here’s to a great month of paying it forward!


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