Category Archives: lovedrop

Love Drop for July: Felicity

You may be wondering, What the heck is Love Drop, and why does Andrea post about it every month? Love Drop is an amazing community of people who just plain want to help those in need. I feel privileged to … Continue reading

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Spending Roundup for June

Wow. You guys are going to die when you read this one. Spoiler: I fail at life. Here’s the breakdown of where my money went in June: Fixed Expenses These are the easy ones. My car payment, car insurance, AT&T … Continue reading

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Love Drop for June: The Aubin Family

Hey guys!  The Love Drop team is at it again! Last month they gave over $9,200 worth of cash, goods and services to their recipient, the Stalnaker family, who had been going through a financially hard time due to the … Continue reading

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Love Drop for May: The Stalnaker Family

I recently joined the Love Drop team, which is an amazing group reaching out to help others. Every month, Love Drop chooses a family in need of assistance and works to gather donations, services, etc. to present to the family. … Continue reading

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