August LoveDrop: Can You Spare Five Bucks?

Wed, Aug 3, 2011

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Every month, I post about my involvement with LoveDrop, a group dedicated to helping people in need. While some of you may skim over these posts, I hope you’ll take the time to read this one.

This month, we are working to help two sisters, Lucy and Tracy.

Lucy has been diagnosed with aplastic anemia, a life-threatening illness, and needs a bone marrow transplant to increase her chances of surviving. Her sister Tracy is a perfect match and has selflessly agreed to donate her bone marrow to help her sister.

The medical expenses associated with Lucy’s illness are astronomical. She is fortunate to have health insurance, but the premiums are $500 per month. It is imperative that she maintain this coverage to ensure that the pending bone marrow transplant is covered. The LoveDrop Team is working to raise $3000 to cover six months of insurance premiums to make sure Lucy keeps her coverage.

I donate $5 a month to LoveDrop. Just five bucks that I don’t even miss. And while I know it doesn’t go very far, it does when lots of people are doing it. In this situation, I am also donating an extra $25 to help Lucy pay for her health insurance.

I am encouraging you to reach out and help someone in need. Visit the LoveDrop website and donate five bucks to help Lucy and Tracy. I promise you won’t even miss it.

If you can’t make a monetary donation (or even if you can), consider writing a note of support to Lucy and Tracy and their parents. The LoveDrop Team will deliver the letters in a few weeks. If you’ve ever been sick and terrified, you know how much it means to hear from people - even strangers - wishing you luck.

Part of a better financial life involves being willing to look beyond yourself. $5 isn’t much, but it will make a world of difference to Lucy. If you are able to help, please do so.

Every time you read one of these posts, a unicorn is born:

  1. Love Drop for May: The Stalnaker Family
  2. Love Drop for July: Felicity

One Response to “August LoveDrop: Can You Spare Five Bucks?”

  1. Jamie Ray says:

    Hmm seem to me she needs the money I would Donate But I'm Broke! maybe other's can help I'll post this around to see if  more can help in your time in need! my prayer's are with you may God Help you Amen!

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