FINCON11 and Steve Jobs

Just as I was hovering over the “Publish” button for my recap of the Financial Blogger Conference, I saw a tweet from the Associated Press reporting that Steve Jobs has passed away. I’ll admit it - I cried. Not just a few years; I sobbed like I lost my closest friend. And I’m still wiping my face as I type.

As my mind travels between the points I wanted to share from FINCON11 and my reaction to Steve Jobs’ death, I realize that both events are already affecting my life profoundly. Not the events themselves, but their relationship to some of the struggles I’ve been dealing with. And that connection is what I’d rather share with you right now than anything else.

The Distant Past

It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the Navy. (Steve Jobs, 1982)

23 years ago, when I was five years old, I proudly announced my intention to become a writer someday. That same year, bouncing back after his resignation from Apple, Steve Jobs introduced the first NeXT computer. I had no idea who Steve Jobs was at that age; I just knew I liked playing Lemonade Stand on my grandfather’s Macintosh Plus.

As I grew older, my passion for writing fizzled as I settled into a social group, procrastinated on homework, and started using my blazing 2400 baud modem to communicate with other people. My enjoyment of writing didn’t go away; I just busied myself with other things. I wanted to have FUN, and as I approached adulthood, I defined that as spending lots of money on things I didn’t need.

By 1997, Steve Jobs had returned to Apple as interim CEO. The company was floundering; jokes about the uselessness of “Macintrash” or “Crapintosh” were popular. While Jobs worked to revive the company, I met the guy who would become my ex-husband. I wasn’t worried about writing - I was far too busy.

While Apple thrived under Steve Jobs’ leadership, bringing us the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, I was giving birth, getting married, going to college, and starting my career. Oh, and spending money. Lots and lots of money that I didn’t have.

The Recent Past

A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them. (Steve Jobs, 1998)

Eight short months ago, I started this blog as a way to hold myself accountable during my ascent out of debt hell. I never expected people to read it. I never thought I would enjoy writing so much. I never expected any of this.

When FINCON11 was announced, no one had a clue who I was. Yet I felt strangely compelled to buy a ticket (even though that $89 could have gone toward debt). I figured maybe I would sell it later if I decided not to go. I had no idea how entrenched I would become in the PF blogging community and how much I stood to gain from the support of my fellow bloggers.

Apple has been a big part of the growth of my blog. Early on, I wrote about how badly I wanted an iPad. When I bought one at a discount, I blogged about it even though I was scared of how people would react. Lately, as I’ve earned some income from freelance writing, I upgraded to the iPhone 4 and purchased an iMac to use for writing. Everything I do related to this site, from writing posts to responding to comments to sending emails, happens on an Apple device.

The Present

The system is that there is no system. That doesn’t mean we don’t have process. (Steve Jobs, 2004)

FINCON11 was a life-changing event for me. I won’t focus on the excitement of meeting other bloggers, because I’ve tweeted that to death. I won’t talk about the sessions because you can read about them elsewhere.

What I can share with you are the themes I saw repeated over and over throughout my stay in Schaumburg.


The personal finance blogging community is stronger since FINCON11. You’ll notice us talking more on Twitter, commenting more on blogs we may not have visited before, and planning collaborations to build on the information we shared.

Many of the speakers talked about the smaller communities on each PF blog - our readers. JD Roth asked the question, “Why do we write?” We write because we want to share something with others. Because we want to believe that our knowledge and experience can help someone. Because we want YOU to gain value from the time you take to read our posts.


All bloggers start with a blank post field and a blinking cursor. Where they go from there is up to them.

Many of us have families, full-time jobs, and hobbies (other than blogging). There are times when blogging leaks into other areas of our lives, and times when our lives leak into our websites. Still, there’s always more we could do. There are unlimited possibilities for building our blogs into something more, something that continues to bring us enjoyment and pride.

Challenging the status quo.

There are tons of PF blogs you could be reading right now. Why did you choose this one? Why do you visit any of the websites you visit? Because there’s something there that benefits you.

When I started blogging, I felt like every financial topic had been covered a million times. Not to mention all the bloggers with degrees in accounting, economics, and finance. How could I say anything that hadn’t been said before? By saying it in MY voice. Someone looking for an expert would probably run screaming from here, but if you want examples of what not to do, you’re in the right place.

Each of us brings something different. That’s what makes our community great and allows our blogs to grow.

The Future

You’ve baked a really lovely cake, but then you’ve used dog shit for frosting. (Steve Jobs, 2000)

Since I returned from FINCON11, I’ve spent a lot of time wondering what I’m going to DO. I have all kinds of ideas for posts, site designs, and projects. I feel like I need to take action. Then I get busy with life and my real job and I don’t have time to do anything.

This morning, I realized how much I didn’t want to go to work. I wanted to stay home and write posts, or chat with my friends on Twitter, or respond to emails. And in my head I’m going, That’s crazy! You can’t make a living writing a blog! Other people can, sure, but you’re not one of them! All day, though, I struggled with the feeling that I am spending far too much time doing what I’m supposed to do instead of what I want to do.

And then Steve Jobs died.

All the themes explored at the conference were concepts Steve Jobs knew well. If a more innovative, intelligent human being exists, I don’t know who it would be. Steve Jobs understood the need for community, growth, and challenging the status quo. Without those ingredients, Apple wouldn’t be one of the most powerful companies in the world. And the loss of their former CEO wouldn’t be important enough to make a random girl in Kentucky break down and cry.

I’m TIRED of living a life that doesn’t make me happy. When I die, I want people to admire me for giving back and doing something well, not for following the rules and never getting anywhere. If I could, I would quit my job today and never go back. Obviously that’s not an option, but life is too short to talk myself out of things.

I love writing. I love this blog. I love my readers.

It may take 10 years and 5000 posts, but I am over my career and I am going to find a way to do what more of what I love. I may not have believed it in the beginning, but writing about my finances is where I belong. THAT is what FINCON11 and Steve Jobs have taught me.

I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next. (Steve Jobs, 2006)

28 Responses to “FINCON11 and Steve Jobs”

  1. Flexo says:

    Thanks for sharing your passionate thoughts!

  2. Budgetable.com says:

    That was a touching post. Steve Jobs has been my hero for years and years and I'm pretty torn up too…. Also, I just wanted to say that I hope you keep writing and writing… Your blog is really enjoyable to read -you have a good voice — easy to relate :)


  3. Red says:

    Great post, Andrea! I can't wait to see where the next 10 years take you and your blog. :)

  4. Shannyn @frugalbeaut says:

    I was surprised how bummed I was when I heard the news.  Some people downplay his contributions saying he "was Apple," but he wasn't Apple, he was his own brand.  Steve represented the idealism, the innovation, the rambling spirit we want to identify with and develop.  I liked Steve as a person, not for Apple.  He was brilliant, funny and mostly- ballsy.  He failed hard and triumphed even harder, truly an inspiration of this generation.

  5. Smart Money Chicks says:

    Very heartfelt, Thank youI have to say that his death hit me harder than I thought it would. Not only because a family has lost their dad, husband, son, brother but also because we have also lost someone whose vision and ability to take risk has helped change all of our lives.

    I really look forward to where your journey takes you.

  6. CommmonCents says:

    Lovely post.

  7. Dr Dean says:

    Good luck on your journey!  Sounds like you're motivated and know where you want to go.  The rest is just steps in that direction.

  8. ltjacobs704 says:

    Wow! Steve Jobs was an inspiration and changed all of our lives in ways we never imagined possible. I remember when my middle school first got the Apple II or was it Apple IIe….. at any rate, as we were thrilled when it was our turn to use it, I don't think we had a clue that the world was changing right then based on that little box on the desk. He was truly a visionary and he will be truly missed.

  9. Niki says:

    Beautiful. I am surprised how upsetting this news was to me. 

    I really think you have what it takes to be a full time blogger. What a great goal to aspire to.

  10. MoneyforCollegepro says:

    Awesome post, and thanks for sharing your heart. I definitely have thought in similar veins to what you said. I think it's important to challenge the status quo and push the envelop. You have to stand out and inject passion in all that you do. Steve Jobs did this, and look where all it took him. Thanks for sharing!

  11. 20's Finances says:

    I'm glad you found your place. You definitely have lots of people interested in what you have to say. :)

  12. Joseph says:


    It turns out that we have even more in common. Steve Jobs has been an inspiration to me, both as a student of business and as a technology lover. You may have already noticed that I wrote a short post as a tribute to Steve Jobs on Debit versus Credit. Just this morning I was reading on TechCrunch an article that quoted from a commencement address that Steve Jobs gave to Standford students in 2005.

    The whole speech is profound, and honestly I'm thinking I'm going to have it printed and framed. This part really hit me though, and it touches I think on exactly how you're feeling right now as well…

    "Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m
    convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I
    did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your
    work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part
    of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you
    believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what
    you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle."

    Amazing. I always hoped I could one day meet this great man and just shake his hand and thank him. Unfortunately now I won't have that opportunity. So like you, I'll just try to honor his legacy by following his advice.

    "If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle."

  13. Buck Inspire says:

    Inspiring post.  Steve's death is having quite an impact on the world.  Keep doing what you love and don't settle.  I think Steve would be proud of your post!

  14. Pat S says:

    Seriously great post! I think you really captured what a lot of us felt when we heard of Jobs' death. 

  15. Rafiki says:

    This is an awesome and inspiring post. You are well on your way to achieving great things.

  16. The Happy Homeowner says:

    This post is only one of the many reasons why I love your blog and reading what you have to say.  Keep up the fantastic, inspiring work, Andrea!


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