Book Review: Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel

Awhile back, my friend Phil Villarreal asked me if I’d be interested in reading and reviewing a copy of his book, Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel. I’ll be honest: I didn’t even know he’d written a book (some friend, huh?) so … Continue reading

Forget Impulse Spending - Let’s Talk Impulse Saving

I have spent most of my life struggling with impulse spending. For years, it was next to impossible for me to walk out of a store without buying something, even if I didn’t really see anything I wanted. As a … Continue reading

Vapor4Life Review and Giveaway! [Update]

UPDATE: 2/28/2012 It has been 3 months since I reviewed this product and hosted a giveaway. The winner of the giveaway has STILL not received her kit despite several emails between me and the Vapor4Life staff. It probably doesn’t help … Continue reading

Screw You, Nielsen. And Your Little Scanner, Too.

Back in July, I read a post at The Penny Hoarder about a new program from Nielsen. Instead of letting them spy on my TV viewing habits (which would be funny since I only watch one hour of TV a week), … Continue reading