Archive | banking

Google Chrome Budgeting Extensions

The following is a guest post. Google Chrome is an innovative web browser that allows users to personalize their web experience by installing web apps, themes, and extensions. There are a variety of ways to customize your browser and make it truly yours. It’s simple to change your settings and add apps and extensions from [...]

I’m Over Financial TMI

  Late last night during a conversation with JT from Money Mamba, I discovered a very important fact: I am beyond tired of financial TMI. Now, I’m not talking about people who talk about their income and expenses, because goodness knows I do that all the time. I love knowing what people spend their money on [...]

Why I Love My Roth IRA

This post is part of the Roth IRA Account Movement happening all across the personal finance blogosphere today. Never fear - the post is still written by me and it’s not an advertisement or anything. Just a well-timed post that I’ve been planning to write anyway. So, retirement. Are you ready for it? Scared of [...]

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  • 2012 (125)
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