Easy Canvas Prints Review and Giveaway!

Mon, Sep 5, 2011

contest, review

Disclosure: I received a free canvas in exchange for this review. I was also able to score one to give away! However, as always, this review contains my honest opinions and not some bunch of crap I’m supposed to say.

Several months ago, I was contacted by a representative from Easy Canvas Prints, offering me a free canvas in exchange for a review. I was all excited, but I also wanted to do a giveaway for you guys because you’re awesome. Unfortunately, at that time, Easy Canvas Prints wasn’t able to do a giveaway, so I got all pissy and said I didn’t want to do a review if I couldn’t give anything away. (I’m a total bitch like that - I want to give you nice things!)

Luckily, Easy Canvas Prints isn’t turned off by pissy people, because they contacted me AGAIN last month and said I could get the free canvas AND one for a giveaway! Because Easy Canvas Prints is also awesome! So all I had to do is pick out a photo, submit it online, and I would have a super cool canvas to hang up in my house. Simple, right?

The Review

Well, it’s definitely simple to use the Easy Canvas Prints website. More on that in a second. But it’s NOT so easy to pick a photo! I have thousands saved on my computer, plus thousands more in non-digital form. I took so long to choose, the representative emailed to check on me! I finally picked one of my favorite pictures of Jay and me - he isn’t smiling, but I still love it. It was taken on July 4, 2009 - right after I made the decision to file for divorce. My friends tell me I look more like myself in the picture than in any of the ones during the last few years of my marriage.


So I went to the Easy Canvas Prints website, selected my canvas size, uploaded my picture, and cropped it. That’s it! It probably took five minutes at the most. I filled in my shipping info and I was all set.

Until I got an email that basically said “You fail. Your photo looks like grainy horse manure and your print is going to suck if you don’t send us a higher quality picture.” Okay, so that’s not quite what it said - the Easy Canvas Prints customer service people are way too polite for that. But I did need to send a better photo, so I emailed the full-res image. I got an email back (very quickly, I might add) letting me know that the new pic was suitable.

Two days later I got a shipping notice, and four days after that (including a weekend) my print was on my porch when I got home from work! To be honest, I wasn’t sure what it was at first because I order way too much stuff. I brought it in the house and stared at it for awhile.

More like a minute. Then curiosity got the best of me and I had to open it!

Notice the super advanced packing job. There was no way that canvas was moving inside the box! It was wrapped in plastic, taped to some cardboard supports, and the edges were protected as well. The canvas itself is stretched very tight (lots of canvases are loose and look weird) and there are a half million staples holding it in place. This thing will last forever.

So now it’s on my living room wall - it looks kind of naked. I think I’m going to order some smaller canvases to put around it. (See how I’m already reverting back to my shopaholic state?!?!)

The picture isn't crooked. I just can't aim.

I am absolutely in love with my canvas. I’m now convinced that I need them all over my house! The quality is excellent, it looks cool, no expensive frame required, and everyone walks in and asks me where I got it. I definitely plan to use Easy Canvas Prints in the future (once I’ve saved enough money to order a ton of canvases!) and can honestly recommend them based on responsiveness, fast shipping, and high quality.

The Giveaway

Okay, I know that was the longest product review on the planet. On to the excitement!

One lucky reader is going to win an 8×10 canvas of his/her very own, courtesy of Easy Canvas Prints!

I made it super easy to enter. I’m testing out Rafflecopter, a giveaway/contest management system that takes care of everything for me. Just go through the tasks below (commenting on the post is mandatory; the rest of the tasks are optional but will give you EXTRA ENTRIES) and submit when you’re done!


  • You must reside in one of the 48 contiguous US states to enter. (Sorry, Canada, Hawaii, and Alaska! I’ll get you next time, I promise!)
  • I will verify your entries. If you falsify any of them, you will be disqualified.
  • The contest will end on Saturday, September 10th at midnight. The winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email before I move on to someone else.

That’s it! GOOD LUCK! Thanks to Easy Canvas Prints for hosting the giveaway!

P.S. If you’re as confused by the Rafflecopter widget as I was the first time I saw one, email me and I’ll help you out! It’s really easy but I think it can be a little confusing if you haven’t used it before.

43 Responses to “Easy Canvas Prints Review and Giveaway!”

  1. ky2here says:

    this is easy for me because I was just organizing vacation pics yesterday.  we have a great lucky shot from times square where we look decent the the Chrysler Bldg is centered in the background.  That's what we'll use.

    ky2here at msn dot com

  2. Jen dJ says:

    My sweet Shih Tzu, Bailey passed away 6 months ago, and I would love to have a big canvas print of the photo a friend took of our full family a few hours before she died.

    • I guess it's a good thing the winner is chosen randomly, because this would have ended the contest in my opinion! I have three Shih Tzus are they are the sweetest, best dogs on the planet. I'll be crossing my fingers for you!

      Just a note - even if you don't win, I'm sure you noticed the 50% promo code when you liked Easy Canvas Prints on Facebook. They're really affordable with the discount.

  3. Katherine Riley says:

    I would have my wedding picture done.  We just got married in June and didn't have professional pictures done but have a beautiful shot of us together that would be perfect.
    rilekat at gmail dot com

  4. s- says:

    Very cool!  I like that they let you know you needed a higher res picture - I always worried about that.

  5. Andrea says:

    BOOO! I can't enter! good luck everyone!

  6. Kerri Fogh says:

    I would love to use the picture I took in New Zealand on the beach where my husband proposed to me. It's absolutely beautiful, with the Southern Alps reaching the sea and catamarans with "New Zealand" written on the side sitting on the black sand beaches. 

    Thanks so much for hosting!


  7. mom says:

    my kids at campfire

  8. Kristen m says:

    All summer my hisbamd and I have been taking long walks in a nature preserve near our house and he has taken some amazing photos! It would be hard to pick which one, but he has some close-ups of the underside of mushrooms that look like paintings!
    blue65829 at aol dot com

  9. Red says:

    Oh! Pick me, pick me! Mr. Red and I keep no photos in the house (cats knocked over the one pic we had from our wedding), so this would be AWESOME for my favorite wedding picture. :) And hanging on the wall means no kitties can knock it over!

  10. Testing out the widget to make sure everything is working, since I'm a big dork and had the wrong Twitter name for Easy Canvas Prints at first.

  11. Janelle says:

    I love that you have to have giveaways for your readers. I have been meaning to get one of these canvas photos but I was never sure how they would come out. Yours looks great! I want to put this one up in my room!

  12. Anonymous says:

    There is a good chance that my two most prized tax deductions will be in the photo. Call me a bad parent, but I have a ton of pictures of my kids and none of them are hanging on the wall.

    • They're adorable! Doesn't matter if they're on the wall as long as you've got them. There were very few pictures of me when I was little and I know my parents regret it. Of course it wasn't as cheap and easy to take pics as it is now. I remember taking rolls of film to be developed when Jay was little.

  13. Insomniac Lab Rat says:

    I would love to have one of these with a picture from our wedding.
    There's a big open space above the fireplace, and right now we only have
    small prints from our wedding. We have a license to reprint some of our
    pictures, we just never got around to it/felt like spending the money.
    Your pic is gorgeous!

  14. Insomniac Lab Rat says:

    I would love to have one of these with a picture from our wedding.
    There's a big open space above the fireplace, and right now we only have
    small prints from our wedding. We have a license to reprint some of our
    pictures, we just never got around to it/felt like spending the money.
    Your pic is gorgeous!
    (PS- sorry if this posts twice, my internet keeps cutting in and out, and I don't know if it has already posted)

  15. Insomniac Lab Rat says:

    I would love to have one of these with a picture from our wedding.
    There’s a big open space above the fireplace, and right now we only have
    small prints from our wedding. We have a license to reprint some of our
    pictures, we just never got around to it/felt like spending the money.
    Your pic is gorgeous!
    (PS- sorry if this posts twice, my internet keeps cutting in and out, and I don’t know if it has already posted)

  16. Insomniac Lab Rat says:

    I would love to have one of these with a picture from our wedding.
    There’s a big open space above the fireplace, and right now we only have
    small prints from our wedding. We have a license to reprint some of our
    pictures, we just never got around to it/felt like spending the money.
    Your pic is gorgeous!
    (PS- sorry if this posts twice, my internet keeps cutting in and out, and I don’t know if it has already posted)

  17. Serendipity Savings says:

    I would either have a photo of Rambo and I blown up on canvas or I would pick a picture of my mom and & me when I was a baby. She passed away when I was younger so I think that would be a nice thing to do. :)

  18. sweepmom says:

    I would use a photo taken by my son on his recent trip to Italy.

  19. Nanjhall says:

    Actually, I have seen longer reviews than this:)
    I would choose a picture from our trip out west to hike the John Muir Trail.  It would be hard to narrow it down to just one.

  20. Tarah says:

    I'd put a family picture up!

  21. Anonymous says:

    My new puppy Abbott.

  22. Emily says:

    I have some really sweet pictures of my boyfriend and me from when we first started dating 2 years ago.  Or, I might just wait until it's time for engagement pictures and use one of those.

  23. Brittney Puckett says:

    I would get a picture of my daughter and her dog together.
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  24. Kristie Wright says:

    I am getting married soon so I would use one of our wedding pictures.

  25. Erica Carnes says:

    I'd love to use a family picture of us at the beach.

  26. lisa says:

    I'm kinda torn between an image of my grandparents or my parents. [email protected]

  27. judy says:

    I have a  picture of my kids before with my dad down the shore 5 years ago that I would love to have done and hang in my livingroom


  28. McKim says:

    I would use a picture I took of my son's family at a recent wedding.

  29. Ashley @ Money Talks says:

    Ok, I was too late to enter, but congrats on scoring your easy canvas prints giveaway!


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