Weekend Reading: I Bleed Blue Edition

Sun, Feb 19, 2012

current events, links, yakezie

Just 10 days left until February is over and March Madness begins! For those of you who don’t know, I live in Kentucky, where college basketball is religion. When I was a kid, we watched all of UK’s tournament games at school. As in, the whole school stopped operating for a few hours so everyone could watch. I thought this was completely normal until I got older, when I found out that other states do not cancel class for basketball games. Weirdos!

While UK’s win over Ole Miss yesterday wasn’t exactly a nail biter, it reminded me that there are only a few conference games left in the season. And since I work from home, this is the first time in years that I’ll be able to watch the NCAA tournament in its entirety! *throws confetti*

So I want to know - who’s your team? And if you’re not a basketball fan, what’s wrong with you? what team do your friends and family typically root for?

Anyway, while I’m getting all my Wildcat shirts ready for March, check out these awesome posts from some of my fellow bloggers. No, really. Because the posts are amazing and you need to see the greatness.

Yakezie Spring Team

50 Things No One Told Me About America (My Broken Coin)

3 Tips for Staying on Task (Black Freelancer)

Is It Worth Having a Flexible Spending Account? (Ultimate Smart Money)

Go It Alone (Retire by Forty)

Don’t Die the Wrong Way! (Your Finances Simplified)

New Stadiums: Taking From the Old and Sick and Giving to Millionaires (Cult of Money)

Bathroom Remodel Project Begins (Cents to Save)

Other Fantastic Posts From Around the Blogosphere

Making Money Out of Molehills (See Debt Run)

Allowances Aren’t Just for Kids (Balancing Money and Life) **NEW BLOGGER**

Let’s Talk About Money (Money Infant)

How I’m Paying Only $35 for an Exclusive Costco Membership (Young Professional Finances)

4 Ways to Donate Without Spending Money (Sense to Save)

Craigslist Used Cars: Facts That Will Save You Thousands (Car Negotiation Coach)

The Things I Learn Doing My Own Taxes (The Dog Ate My Wallet)

How I Quit My Job, and What I Plan to Do Next (Invest it Wisely)

We Lost $20,500! (Where Did it Go?) (Couple Money)

17 Responses to “Weekend Reading: I Bleed Blue Edition”

  1. Jessica Lancaster says:

    Rock Chalk Jayhawk!  KU fan all the way!  I am always ready for March Madness and can't wait for it to begin!

  2. Young Professional F says:

    Thank you for the link! I'm excited for March Madness also. I don't have a specific team but my friends and I love to bet on the teams and watch them - it's a lot of fun!

  3. Graceland says:

    We're with you!  C…A…T….S, Cats CAts, CATS!  

  4. Car Negotiation Coac says:

    Thanks for the link love Andrea!

  5. Squirrelers says:

    I enjoyed my team beating yours back in December :)

    This is a fun time of year, no doubt. I used to be way into it, just have been way busy in recent years. Did enjoy seeing an underdog make the finals lately though.

  6. Super Frugalette says:

     I used to live in Tennessee so I can appreciate March madness…however now living closer to the Canadian border…it is still hockey season up here so we are not focused on basketball.

  7. CentsToSave says:

    Not a big basketball fan, but I hope your team wins!   thanks for the link up!  Getting use to new schedule so I will do better next week with visiting and commenting!

  8. Alice says:

    Wow, I absolutely love your photo on here! I, too am a UK fan. I live in Kentucky and believe that anyone who isn't a basketball fan has some serious issues. *smiles* On top of that, you also need to be a UK basketball fan. I love how other teams trash talk, but then the wildcats shut them up quickly with a win.

    Great blog, I've been following for about a week. 

  9. shanendoah says:

    Basketball is boring- almost as boring as baseball. If it's not Roller Derby, Hockey, or Football (in that order) it's not worth your time. :-p
    And now that you'll never post a link from me again, I will say thank you for linking to me this week.
    I actually do follow March Madness a little bit. I cheer for my undergrad Alma Mater- Nevada (Reno) - and against UNLV. I also pay attention to the Montana schools, when they occasionally make it in, since my brother went to one and my childhood BFF went to the other.

  10. Kris @ BalancingMone says:

    Thank you so much for the link!! As a Canadian, I did not grow up watching college ball… March Madness is beyond me! But I do understand rabid sports fans… around here, we are ALL Winnipeg Jets fans, even if we don't like hockey!

  11. Insomniac Lab Rat says:

    I bleed green! I've been watching MSU basketball since I was old enough to sit on my dad's lap and watch whatever few games were televised in Florida. We Spartans LIVE for March Madness :) March is when Izzo works his magic! (except last year, last year sucked. it especially sucked because I could have WALKED to the final four)


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