Weekend Post Roundup

Sun, Jul 10, 2011

links, yakezie

My site might have fallen apart and required rebuilding from scratch, but that’s no reason to forget the link love this week!

This week was very exciting because So Over Debt finally reached an Alexa ranking under 200,000. What does that mean, you ask? It means I am finally eligible to become a Yakezie member! I joined the community as a challenger back in March.

Another exciting development is the creation of Yakezie teams. In order to promote and support each other’s blogs, we are now on teams of up to 15 members/challengers. This week’s post roundup will contain posts from my teammates. I hope you’ll take the time to visit each blog!

Andrea @ Nickel by Nickel posted five things she’s learned after 8 months of counting pennies. Her revelations have been similar to my own - she spent more than she thought in some areas and less than she thought in others.

Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey has been keeping all of us reading with the Tour de Personal Finance competition, which is now in the second round of stage 8. Vote for your favorite posts!

Robert @ The College Investor posted a great article about maximizing your IRA potential. As someone who only recently learned about the wonders of IRAs, I loved the insight in this one!

Robert @ My Multiple Incomes shared his income stream for the month of June, and as someone with zero income other than wages in June, I have to say I’m pretty jealous!

Fat Guy @ Fat Guy Skinny Wallet was feeling great about money last week. I’m pretty impressed with that since I was NOT feeling so great about money!

The Penny Hoarder is giving away a $100 gas card! Don’t miss out on this one - the giveaway ends this Friday!

Ken @ Spruce Up Your Finances posted 7 quick facts about Roth IRA contributions. Again, this one was timely for me because I am all about my Roth.

So there you have it! Seven posts that are WAY more interesting than anything I’ve said lately. Happy reading!

Every time you read one of these posts, a unicorn is born:

  1. Yakezie Update - Check out my Member Post!

11 Responses to “Weekend Post Roundup”

  1. Robert @ The College says:

    Thanks for including my articles!

  2. FinancialSuccessforY says:

    I'm so excited to become a member! Congrats on making it all the way!

  3. optionsdude says:

    Congratulations on the Alexa rank accomplishment.  That is quite some rapid progress.  I didn't know there were teams.  I will have to head over and check it out.

    • Thanks! I'm really excited that it dropped so fast, especially since I switched to my domain in the middle of it.

      I'm guessing you'll be on my team since it wasn't full yet - looking forward to pimping out your blog next time around!

  4. Ken @ Spruce Up Your says:

    Congrats on your achievement and thanks for the mention.

  5. Nickelbynickel says:

    Thanks for the linklove! Looks like i cant get on this site from my home network, but i can get here from work. Hehe, so not to worry… It is me! Frustrating though as i dont understand why!


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