We’ve Moved!

Wed, Apr 13, 2011


As of right now, SOD has a new home - http://www.sooverdebt.com - though the old URL will still direct you.

I’m a little stressed out about it. My Alexa ranking has dropped to zero, which affects my progress in the Yakezie Challenge. Google doesn’t see the new domain name yet and probably won’t for awhile. I’m up way past my bedtime trying to get more information and make the transition a smooth one.

So bear with me for awhile! I’ll have my breakdown for a day or so, then I’ll be fine. In the meantime, if any of you have any tips, I’m all ears. :)

PS I think (hope) I’ve changed my RSS feed settings to reflect the new URL. Crossing fingers!

13 Responses to “We’ve Moved!”

  1. Dave @ Money In The says:

    Wow, you pulled that move off pretty fast! I'm sure it will be a little tough right now (Alexa ranking and Search Engines), but it will be really beneficial in the long run!

  2. Andrea says:

    I think so too. I'd rather do it now and go through the tough part before my rank gets much lower. Still hurts my feelings though!

  3. Ravi Gupta says:

    I think you're doing the right thing and taking the hit now. I would recommend submitting your URL to google and submitting links to online directories. That may help expedite the process a bit.-Ravi Gupta

  4. Ashley @ Money Talks says:

    Wow.. look at you. Your feed came through by the way. Congrats on the move. You will be happy you didn't wait longer.

  5. Andrea says:

    Thanks, all! I contacted Alexa and apparently they can merge the two sites to keep my ranking. I hope so, because the old one was down to like 680,000!

  6. Jeffrey says:

    Wow! Glad to see you've moved to a new domain! I was about to suggest that to you, so you're ahead of me there.Don't worry about the Alexa ranking. It drops quickly within the first few days or weeks.

  7. Her Every Cent Count says:

    Your Alexa ranking will drop to 600,000 in no time — you have great content and a lot of loyal readers. The hard part is starting from scratch when no one knows you exist!I'm stressed about the Yakezie challenge because I don't think I can get below 200,000 in Alexa score even if I write multiple posts per week. My content doesn't interest enough people — but I don't want to write traffic-whoring stuff just to complete the challenge, you know?How did you get to 600,000 in the first place?

  8. Andrea says:

    I understand stressing over the challenge - I was over 10 million when I joined and didn't see any possible way to get to 200,000. I honestly don't know how it dropped so quickly! The only things I do to promote are tweeting my post links and commenting on other blogs. I subscribe to your blog and I enjoy your posts! Just give it time - the traffic will come.


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