Random Thoughts for Memorial Day Weekend

Sun, May 29, 2011


It’s Saturday and I’m sitting on the back porch with my new BFF the iPad. The heat isn’t blistering yet - it’s only about 88 degrees - and I’m full from a family reunion earlier today. Life is good at this moment!

My random thoughts:

  • First, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who commented and emailed after my previous post. I can’t tell you how much it means to know I can express feelings here that I can’t even share in real life, and that people will take time to offer encouragement and support. This single mom stuff is still pretty new to me, but I’m trying every day to stop feeling guilty and do the best I can. I know things will get better!
  • I’m very pleased with the way my finances are going lately. Saving money has become an automatic act now. Instead of fretting over the money missing from my checking account, I look for ways to get rid of even more. And that’s how I phrase it - getting rid of the money before I waste it. Now I just worry that I’ll get bored and lose momentum - I’ve already amped up my goals, so now it’s time to figure out something new to keep me interested.
  • The Friend Fund is growing slowly but steadily. I’m hoping to hold the first drawing by the end of the year. Now every time I gain a friend, I wonder if they’re contributing to the fund or just hanging out because they like me so much!
  • The iPad is, hands down, the best gadget I’ve ever owned. I’m using an app called Blogsy to type this post. I don’t think I’ve touched my computer since I got the iPad - I really don’t need to! I know a lot of you thought I shouldn’t have spent the money, but I definitely don’t regret this decision. As stressed as I’ve been, it’s nice to play some Plants vs. Zombies every now and then.

That’s what’s on my brain this weekend - hoping to get back to some normal posts next week!


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