Interrupting Your Regularly Scheduled Post

Sat, Jul 9, 2011

career, income, rant, work

I promise, guys, I’m not going to talk about my job all the time. But I can’t even finish my post for yesterday, much less today, because I’m completely unable to concentrate. If you’re sick of reading about work stuff, come back tomorrow for a real post.

The structure at my current job goes like this: my boss is the Program Director, I am the Clinical Director, there is another facility with its own Clinical Director, then there are a nurse, secretary, and therapist who are shared between the two facilities. (There’s a point in here, really.)

The Clinical Director at the other facility just had surgery and won’t be back until October. The nurse is putting in her notice next week, though our boss doesn’t know it yet. The secretary just finished her bachelors degree and took a different job within the company. We hired a new therapist who starts during my last week because the current therapist is taking my position.

Yesterday the current therapist got fired. It’s a long story that I won’t go into, but I will say that I don’t think it was really a serious enough offense for termination. She called me, hysterical, wanting comfort and advice. And I feel like a horrible person because all I could think about was how this will affect ME.

The therapist was the only other person who takes call. She was supposed to be on call this weekend, and I had big plans to get some blog posts done and clean out my basement. She was also on call every Monday when I work at my part-time job. So now I am on call 24/7 until I leave because there is no one left. And my boss is making me cancel my appointments for the other job until I go over there full time. Which means no more extra money for the rest of the month. And if those clients see another therapist in the meantime, I risk losing my caseload.

The worst part? There is a chance I won’t get to leave at the end of the month. Since I’m transferring within the company, they could make me stay there until someone is hired and trained to replace me. I was counting down the days, and now I could be stuck until September or later.

You have no idea how badly I want to go shopping right now. I’m freaking out and I have this desperate urge to go buy something to make myself feel better. But I’m not. That’s not the answer to this problem. I just wish I knew what the answer was.

Every time you read one of these posts, a unicorn is born:

  1. Job Situation Update
  2. I’m Over My Job
  3. Update: I Think I Like My Job
  4. Are You a Risk Taker?

16 Responses to “Interrupting Your Regularly Scheduled Post”

  1. Marie at FamilyMoney says:

    Hang in there,  you'll work it out

  2. Kerry says:

    That is totally worthy of a freakout. But good for you realizing that's a trigger!

  3. jana says:

    i'm sorry for your frustration! believe me, i've been there.

    if you really have the urge to go shopping, you can do what i do-go to some websites, add a bunch of stuff to the shopping carts and the close the browser before purchasing. this works especially well on the sites that do not have your information saved. 

  4. Ashley @ Money Talks says:

    UGGGG  I'm so sorry.  It will work out though!  Promise! 


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