Happy Mother’s Day!

To all my friends and readers who are moms, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

I feel very blessed to have my mom in my life, as well as my step-grandmother, my great-grandmother, my aunt, and my older sister. (Not to mention all my cousins, great aunts, and various other relatives!) Having many strong female influences has helped me become stronger, and I love having a day to honor all the women who make my life great.

I’m also very proud to celebrate my 13th Mother’s Day as Jayden’s mom. He’ll be graduating 8th grade on Thursday and turning 14 in August; I can hardly believe that my baby is now a teenager! If someone had told me when I was pregnant that he would have autism and that I’d be raising him alone, I never would have believed it was possible. But thanks to an amazing support system (including my mom and all the other women in my family) we’ve managed pretty well I think.

I’m lucky that my mom is just a few miles away and I can see her anytime I want. I’ll be spending time with her this afternoon, and I hope you’re all able to visit with the important women in your life. Have a great Mother’s Day!


5 Responses to “Happy Mother’s Day!”

  1. scarr says:

    Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!

  2. Rafiki says:

    Happy Mother's Day Andrea :)

  3. Catseye says:

    Happy Mom's Day to you, Andrea!!!

  4. HoardingNetWorth says:

    Happy Mother's Day! your blog inspired me to make my own PF blog…I only hope to have as much courage as you have had in being so open with your readers.

  5. Christi Frederick says:

    Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day!!

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