$25 Giveaway Winner Selected!

Sat, Aug 13, 2011

contest, Uncategorized

I’m a little sad to see my 100th Post Giveaway come to an end - I got to read all kinds of stories (some hilarious, some embarrassing) about financial mistakes, I got to meet a lot of new peeps and tweeps, and now I get to give away a $25 gift card!

Overall, I had 347 entries for the contest from 112 different people. Random.org chose #80, which is none other than Danielle B! She requested either a Target or Amazon gift card, and I chose Target because it reminds me of the couch I’m currently drooling over and trying not to buy.

Here’s Danielle B’s embarrassing financial moment:

probably when my card was declined at dinner with friends. had to ask my friend to pay for me. stupid fraud from Singapore and my bank not contacting me! epic bank fail!

Not the winner this time? I hope you’ll stick around for my next giveaway, which is coming in a couple of weeks. Instead of a gift card, I’m giving away something much cooler! You’ll need to be following along through RSS, Twitter, or Facebook to get in on the giveaway before everyone else, so don’t go anywhere!

Every time you read one of these posts, a unicorn is born:

  1. 100th Post Giveaway! [CLOSED]

10 Responses to “$25 Giveaway Winner Selected!”

  1. Benjamin says:

    Congratulations Danielle B!


  1. Around The Personal Finance Neighborhood - Kick Off Edition - August 13, 2011

    [...] of the best posts of the week by my favorite personal finance bloggers.Andrea from SoOverDebt.com gave away a $25 gift card as part of her 100th post celebration. If you missed out you can get in on the action for her next [...]

  2. Successful Blog Contest by Design: Interview with Andrea of So Over Debt | Smart Family Finance - September 28, 2011

    [...] embracement. Additional entries were given for liking, tweeting and subscribing to her feed. Although I didn’t win the contest, she did graciously agree to the following interview regarding the success of her recent [...]

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