Archive | beauty

Makeup and Money: How to Avoid Looking Like a Mess

This is a guest post from my BFF Jana at Daily Money Shot. DMS is a personal finance blog discussing money, family, relationships, pop culture, and everything in-between. Go visit Jana’s site and show her some love! You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook.     I remember the first time I tried [...]

How to Build a Work Wardrobe When You’re Broke

After all the discussion about the part-time job I turned down, I’ve been thinking about what I’d do if I did need to return to work at some point. The first thing that came to mind was, Holy crap, what would I wear? The last two agencies I worked for allowed me to wear jeans, so [...]

I’m Over Product Parties

  Mary Kay. Thirty One. Celebrating Home. Premier Jewelry. Lia Sophia. Tupperware. Uppercase Living. Longaberger Baskets. Pampered Chef. I swear, if I get one more Facebook invitation to one of these parties, I’m going to pull someone’s hair out. For the uninitiated (lucky!), I’m talking about product parties. Companies that hire people - usually women [...]

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