Just Ordered My Business Cards!

There are only 81 days left until the Financial Blogger Conference and I feel like I have a million things to do before time to go!

I’ve experimented with a liveblogging app for my phone that would allow me to post in real time from the conference. I don’t know if I’ll use it (since I’m sure I’ll prefer paying attention to the speakers), but it’s fun to know it’s there. I’ve also started making a preliminary list of things to pack…. Yeah, I know that’s a little weird, but I’m like that! I can’t express how excited I am to be attending the conference, and as a result I’m trying to get organized.

Today I finally crossed one thing off the list - ordering business cards for my blog. And they are absolutely beautiful!

Check out the front and back views:






The colors look a little off because of the format I had to use to upload them. The cards were created by the same designer who made my logo, and I’m super impressed with her work!

Oh yeah, you know you want one. :) You’ll have to come to FINCON11 to get it!

What about the rest of my PF blogger peeps? Are you as nerdy in your excitement as I am? When can we start a discussion about what to wear??!?!?!?!

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  • Kaylah Walker

    The cards are snazzy!

    I definitely hope you get the liveblogging app going so that all of us newbies can experience the conference vicariously through So Over Debt!

  • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    I’ll definitely be posting throughout; I’m just not sure I can keep up with liveblogging. So many of the ones I read are like: omg here comes the guy! okay, he’s taking a sip of water. someone just took a picture and the flash hurt my eyes. what’s that? oh nvm it was just the air conditioner turning on…. You know, boring stuff. I’ll see how it goes!

  • http://thecollegeinvestor.com Robert @ The College Investor

    I think the basic WordPress app is pretty good. I wouldn’t use it to write full posts, but its great to respond to comments during the day!

  • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    The awesome thing about using Disqus for comments is being able to respond
    to comments right from my email. Which I’m doing right now. :)

  • http://moneytalkscoaching.com/blog-2/ Ashley @ Money Talks

    nice cards!! Can’t wait to see you!! And we can start talking about what to wear as soon as you want. :)

  • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    No time like the present! I’m planning to wear my Love Drop shirt on Friday
    for the community event, but I have NO idea what to wear for the Friday
    night event. I’ll probably also wear my Yakezie shirt at some point. I just
    hope it’s safe to assume people will wear jeans and casual clothes for the
    daytime stuff, because I am NOT loving the idea of dressing up the whole
    time I’m there!

  • http://www.thedebtmyth.com Jackie

    Congrats on the cards that match your new logo, and on getting to go to the conference :)

  • http://www.optionsdude.com/use-puts-to-lock-in-profits.html optionsdude

    The cards look great. I look forward to hearing some about the conference.

  • Paula at AffordAnything.org

    Those cards are beautiful! How did you design them / who did you print them with / etc.? (In other words, how can I create a card that looks that good?!)

  • Andrea

    I hired the same designer who made my logo, because I’m hopeless at that kind of thing. You should see the ones I tried to make on my own! I sent her the specifications for the files, sizes, etc. and asked her to just make something thats uses my logo. She emailed me a high-resolution PDF of the front and back, which I then uploaded to Overnight Prints. It was pretty easy!

    She only charged $35 to design the cards, which I’m sure was cheaper because she’d done the logo already. If you want her contact info I can send it to you. :)

  • http://twitter.com/nickelbynickel Andrea

    I like the cards, very nice! it’s kind of funny, my real name of course, isn’t Andrea but my actual business cards (and how I plan to have them redone) feature the same colour tones… haha so of course I love them!

  • http://twitter.com/prairieecothrif Miss T

    Very nice cards. You did a great job designing them. Best of luck at the conference. I am sure it is going to be great.

  • http://thesavedquarter.com The Saved Quarter

    I got cards for FinCon11 too! Look forward to seeing you there and swapping!

  • http://www.sooverdebt.com Andrea @ SoOverDebt

    I swear I already responded to this, but it disappeared! Anyway, I asked the designer who made my logo to design the cards. You would crack up if you saw the ones I tried to design on my own! She only charged me $35 - probably cheaper since I already paid for the logo. I can give you her contact info if you want.

    I looked on Overnight Prints to see what size and file formats I needed, and she emailed them to me so I could upload and order. It was a super easy process. Now I just hope the cards will print as well as they look on the screen!

  • http://buckinspire.com Buck Inspire

    The cards look awesome. Cool everyone’s going to be swapping cards at the conference. You all will have a blast. Look forward to reading all about it! I also use the basic WordPress app for responding to comments. You should check it out.

  • Bucksome

    I’m looking forward to getting one in person.