Who Do You Trust with Your Money?

Call me morbid, but over the weekend I started thinking about what would happen if I died suddenly. Not the big stuff like who would have custody of my son - that’s already taken care of - but the things … Continue reading

How to Build a Work Wardrobe When You’re Broke

After all the discussion about the part-time job I turned down, I’ve been thinking about what I’d do if I did need to return to work at some point. The first thing that came to mind was, Holy crap, what … Continue reading

The Easy Way vs. the Best Way

This is a guest post from my friend Kraig at Young Cheap Living. This is an awesome post and I know he’d appreciate your feedback. You should also check out his blog, where he shares great information for 20-somethings looking … Continue reading

Forget Impulse Spending - Let’s Talk Impulse Saving

I have spent most of my life struggling with impulse spending. For years, it was next to impossible for me to walk out of a store without buying something, even if I didn’t really see anything I wanted. As a … Continue reading