Are You Going All Out?

This is a guest post from my friend S at American Debt Project, where she blogs about paying off debt, income inequality in the US, investing, and a wealth of other topics. Her site is one that I highly recommend! … Continue reading

Want to Get Out of Debt Fast? Just Use Super Powers!

Getting out of debt really isn’t very exciting. Don’t get me wrong - sometimes I squeal a little when I make an extra payment, and I threw a virtual party when I paid off all my credit cards - but … Continue reading

How Much is $20?

Yesterday my son asked me for $20 extra in allowance “because I’ve been really stressed lately and I want to buy something.” Sirens went off in my head as I flashed back to all the emotional spending I’ve done in … Continue reading

What My Son Taught Me About Life

Last Monday, my son wrote a post about what I’ve taught him regarding finances and his future. It’s hard to express how proud it made me to see him come up with such a mature, articulate view of how to … Continue reading